Tips for parents

Back to School – Post-COVID-19 for Primary & High School Students

8 September 2021

Since the world is struggling with a pandemic and COVID-19 has made the life of most people difficult, starting a new school year has become highly uncomfortable and challenging for not just students but also parents. Even with the vaccinations process and multiple school reopening, handling recent changes is still challenging for students, parents, and teachers. In this article, we share ways for parents to ease the post-COVID-19 transition for their kids and help them return to school!

One Size Doesn’t Fit Everyone

Whether primary school or high school, hundreds of children are studying in one place, and they might need special individual care based on their differences. Similarly, every kid has had a different experience with the pandemic, which means their resilience and coping skills are unique. For this reason, parents need to be open-minded about what all of their kids (even siblings who might have different coping mechanisms) are going through. In addition, parents must understand these issues and support their children whenever needed.

Teamwork Is the Best Work

When it comes down to handling anxious children, most likely, one parent cannot control everything without overwhelming themselves. However, it’s essential to note that every parent is going through the same process. So, it’s best to take guidance and support from parents who are struggling with similar issues. Don’t forget, and you can share with them your observations.
Also, if you need any support, there are many community groups and third-party organizations that could assist you and your family during these difficult times.

Emotional Response

We have already mentioned that there are different types of kids, and they may have contrasting experiences. As a result, every kid will display a different emotional response regarding their particular experiences during COVID-19. That being said, you should cut kids some slack and try giving them space if they lash out sometimes.
Not to forget, if they are feeling stressed or dwelling on depressive thoughts, take them to a counselor and show your support by accompanying them.

No Dismissal of Concerning Emotions

If your kids show some concerning behavior, deciphering their attitude can be very challenging. However, you must not dismiss or deny it, but try talking to them about it. In addition to emotional breakouts, you should also be on the lookout for whether they lack concentration on their studies or any drastic changes in their body weight and appetite.
Not to forget, parents should also be concerned whether their kids are more tired than usual or not because it might be a sign of emotional distress or fatigue. On top of everything, you need to look out for signs of self-harm and provide them with good counseling, if necessary, because it will make them feel better and help increase their efficiency at school.

Don’t Push Them Too Hard

Sure, kids were taking online classes, but that mainly was neither enough nor effective. That being said, when kids rejoin school after COVID-19, they might not be as eager to learn as they were before; it’s a shared experience among youngsters and kids to display disobedient and disruptive behaviors after a long break. For this reason, if kids are unable to learn, try endorsing creative learning and accept a slow learning process at home.
The bottom line is that everyone has struggled during COVID-19, and there is no point in dismissing their feelings. So, acknowledge the trauma, let them be emotional, and heal together!