Choosing Académie Marie-Claire for your child means choosing a private, bilingual school that is known for its academic standards, its innovative teaching methods, the exceptional support for its students and a welcoming environment.

A distinctive approach

The academic program is departmentalized.

Each class and each subject is taught by a specialist. This is a fundamental and critical nuance that crystallizes our approach to teaching at the elementary level and allows students to progress further into their learning.

There are two classes per grade, each averaging about 25 students per class.

A Bilingual Program

Because we live in a bilingual country and because we are committed to offering to our students an open window onto the world, Académie Marie-Claire offers an academic program in both French and English from grade 1 to grade 6. In our French program, the children are exposed to the Québec and French programs and receive advanced and high standard courses. In our English program, English (as a first language) is taught the same way as French classes, which means classes four times a week. This guarantees language fluency. By the time they graduate from elementary school, Académie Marie-Claire’s students are bilingual.

Individualized Support for Students According to their Needs

Since 2017, Académie Marie-Claire welcomes in its Francization program students who are not yet comfortable in French. Those who have a very limited knowledge of the French language are brought as quickly as possible to acquire the basic vocabulary necessary to communicate in French in order to participate in all school activities and communicate on a daily basis. International students will follow a French language learning track without compromise the student’s progress in other subjects.

Likewise, Académie Marie-Claire offers students a rigorous English as a Second Language program, which is designed to welcome and support students from different backgrounds and levels of English-language proficiency. The program starts when students join the Academy and leads them to the Academy’s Advanced English program.

Third Language

Additionally, elementary school students can learn a third language: Mandarin, Spanish or Italian.

A unique and enriched primary school curriculum

Our elementary school curriculum is based on the requirements outlined by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education of Quebec and enhanced by a stimulating academic program which is at the center of the education offered at Académie Marie-Claire. Our schedule devotes more time to maths, more than the minimum requirement outlined by the Ministry. It’s not surprising that our students frequently win provincial and national competitions!

List of classes:


Bilingual program

English & French Language

Literary Arts


Science and Technology

Social Sciences


Ethics and Religious Culture

Physical Education and Wellness

Arts Education


Interdisciplinary enrichment

Information Technology

School Outings and Educational Activities

Cooperation and Collaboration

Study Methods and Skills

Conferences and Guest Speakers

Extra- and Co-curricular Activities

Community Service and Involvement

Homework Assistance

Choice of a third language


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