
Welcoming the New School Year 2023-24: A Day of Joy, Community, and Learning

We are truly excited about the collaborative journey that lies ahead. Thank you for entrusting us with the education and development of your children; we are committed to making this school year productive, fulfilling, and enjoyable for everyone involved.  
5 September 2023

The first day of the 2023-24 school year has come and gone, but the joy and enthusiasm that filled the air will keep resonating with us for the weeks and months to come. We were thrilled to see familiar faces and meet new members of our school community. Parents, students, and staff all came together in a wonderful amalgamation of shared excitement for the educational journey ahead. Here’s a recap of the day’s activities and some news on upcoming events.



A Carnival of Learning

As parents, we always hope for a learning environment that not only educates but also engages our children. Académie Marie-Claire takes this a step further by adding a layer of fun to that experience. This year, the first day of school was nothing short of a mini-carnival.

Trampoline and Bouncy Castles

The trampoline and bouncy castles were instant hits. It was incredible to see children bouncing around, not just with excitement but quite literally! These activities not only added fun but also served as great ice-breakers for students to make new friends.

Cotton Candy, Crepes, and Sandwiches

No celebration is complete without some delicious food. The cotton candy station, with its vibrant colours, captivated the younger kids, while parents and older students enjoyed freshly made crepes and a variety of sandwiches. Our intent was to make everyone feel comfortable and at home, and the food certainly played a crucial role in that.

Slides and More

Our younger attendees particularly enjoyed the slides, making it one of the busiest stations throughout the day. Along with the slides, we also had several other games and activities that appealed to students of all age groups.

More than Just Fun and Games

While the day was filled with extraordinary fun activities, we also took the opportunity to make important announcements and share updates on curriculum and programs. Our faculty was available for brief meet-and-greets, giving parents a glimpse into the academic world their children would be navigating.

Open House: Save the Date

As we build upon the excitement of the first day, we are eager to offer more opportunities for parents to engage with the educational landscape their children are a part of. We are pleased to announce our annual Open House, to be held on October 1st. This is an excellent opportunity for you to meet your child’s teachers, learn more about the curriculum, and get involved in school activities. More details will be sent out soon, but please save the date.

The first day of school sets the tone for a year that promises to be filled with enthusiasm, meaningful experiences, and tremendous growth for our students. We are truly excited about the collaborative journey that lies ahead. Thank you for entrusting us with the education and development of your children; we are committed to making this school year productive, fulfilling, and enjoyable for everyone involved.

Here’s to an exciting new school year, full of promise and possibilities!