
Event at Académie Marie-Claire: Science Fair 2023

It’s always a great pleasure to share the exciting moments we experience at the Académie Marie-Claire. On June 8, 2023, our institution had the honor of organizing a breathtaking science fair.
11 June 2023

It’s always a great pleasure to share the exciting moments we experience at the Académie Marie-Claire. On June 8, 2023, our institution had the honor of organizing a breathtaking science fair. This event was an extraordinary learning moment for our students, who discovered the wonders of science through fun and interactive experiments.


One of the most popular workshops was the pH color change experiment. Our young scientists were amazed by how different substances change color based on their acidity or alkalinity. They discovered how red cabbage juice could serve as a pH indicator, changing from red to blue depending on the environment. 


The extraction of DNA from raspberries was also a big hit. Students had the opportunity to see long chains of DNA visible to the naked eye after crushing the raspberries, adding salt, dish soap, and alcohol. This simple but impressive experiment helped concretely demonstrate to our students this concept they learned in class.


The world of electricity was also explored, with demonstrations on static electricity and the creation of electrical circuits. The children were thrilled to see how they could light a bulb with only a battery and copper wire.


Bouncing bubbles also made a sensation among our youngsters. The workshop explained surface tension and the concept of water polarity by creating bubbles that don’t burst immediately but bounce!


Finally, the kinetic sand workshop captivated the students’ attention. They learned how the mixture of sand, cornstarch, and water can create a material that has both the properties of a solid and a liquid.


This day was a real success and enabled our students to understand and appreciate science in a concrete and fun way. The laughter and awestruck looks on their faces demonstrated how exciting and enriching learning can be.


We thank all the science teachers, special thanks to Ms. Shveta Shandal and Mr. Azza who made  this day a success. Académie Marie-Claire Science Fair once again demonstrated that science is a fascinating adventure to explore. We look forward to what future editions will bring!